Sewing Scraps

Monday, December 10, 2018

De La Luna Family Portrait (#103)

The fabric:  Here is the very popular De La Luna collection from Tula Pink. It has everything a Day of the Dead fan could want:  eye balls, skulls, bats, beautiful bright colors and so much more.  Better yet, I was able to purchase the fabrics as part of a quilt kit - a first for me. 
(Quilt kit from DIY Addict here.) 
The pattern:  The pattern is free (here) and called Family Portrait. It has since been updated to include the correct amount of yardage and fussy cut instructions. Unfortunately not in time for me - but luckily for those now making this quilt.
I like to pick a quilt pattern that can be made from a few simple blocks - put them together and call it a day.  Of course this pattern was nothing like that!
Here are some tips I found helpful especially since these blocks were not oversized for final trimming.

1) Measure the fabric and make sure it can handle slight shrinkage that will come from using starch & steam.

2) Make a dummy block and get a handle on unfamiliar angles or techniques.

3)  Sew slowly and be as precise as you can with your seam allowance.
I did all of the above and after more sweaty palm moments than I would have liked -  totally enjoyed the pattern, the fabric and the challenge of making something so different.
Quilting:  Because there is so much going on in this quilt I kept it to simple lines 1/4" on either side of the seams with a walking foot.  I did not sew over the faces and opted for a beautiful Aqua thread from the Tula Pink Chipper collection - Aurifil 50wt. #2835.  
The backing is black dimple dot minky. The pattern called for 2.25" width for binding - yikes. I usually do 2.5" width because of the bulk of the minky & batting.  But the good news is - a 2.25" wide binding can work with such a ' thick' quilt sandwich. 
De La Luna / Tula Pink
Family Portrait pattern / Free Spirit
Quilt Kit from DIY Addict
Aurifil 50wt #2835 (bright Aqua) #2692 (black)
Warm & White batting
Dimple dot minky / black
Size: 59" x 59"
December 2018


  1. Thanks for sharing, you quilt looks beautiful! I'm working on this pattern and am finding the instructions have mistakes. Was this the case for you? Fabric L for example is way off. Are you able to help? Thanks in advance for any help.

    1. Great that you wrote because I think you are right - there are more mistakes! Here is what I did. I made a sample block with hideous fabric so I could figure out what my cuts were. I pretty much had the Front page with the quilt image - the Layout page and the fabric key pages out all the time with a black Sharpie to keep me on track. Get this: Not all the fabrics will go towards QST's - but every time you are asked to cut a 6.25" square - that's what they become. And that includes fabrics: G,H,I,N,O,M,P,T,Q,R,S,T,V. WHO KNEW!!! Make your first block NOT using Fabric L just because that would be the safest thing. I would sew one De La Luna block first before you cut out everything. Then make a labelled pile for each of the blocks with the pieces you need - and sew one complete block at a time until you get the rhythm of how they go together You will get there after 4 blocks and see it much more clearly and start to enjoy the pattern at that point.
      And you are totally right from what I can figure after going through this pattern for the last hour - Fabric L needs (2) 6.25" squares (not 1) to make 8 QST for that center block with A/Cameo 2 - and (4) 5 7/8" squares that cut into (8) HTS's... not 12! If you run into any more snags send me an email and I can help you one on one. And again - thanks for the heads up - I have another kit and would not have caught this mistake. Also, I did make some 'wrong' cuts and you should have enough fabric even with mistakes to fudge it - I messed up on some bat placement and you would never know! Good luck - after a few blocks you will feel the pattern and it will actually be fun :)

    2. Thank you that is great advice, I will definitely do a practice block first with old materials. I have cut out everything except for black, polka dots and binding so crossing fingers and toes. I have material to make 3 because both daughters want one too, lucky me... not! I like the way you quilted it I may do something similar. Thanks for the offer of help, you will probably hear from me again. Nice blog, alot of beautiful work. Thanks again!

    3. Hello again I sent you a message quite a while ago but I finally finished my quilt.Is there a way for me to post a photo here for you? Ok

    4. OHHH - I can't wait ... I would LOVE to see your quilt - just send me a picture in an email to:

      Congrats on finishing - good job :) Are you still going to make multiple quilts? Does it get any easier the more you do? Ruth

  2. This page has stolen your photos. You may want to report to FB
