Sewing Scraps

Monday, August 26, 2019

Zipper Pouches

Just when I thought making baby quilts for everyone was the best small project - I found another ... zipper pouches.  For those of us who don't have a sewer in the family or go to classes - zipper pouches look fun but go into the "maybe when I sew better" category.
I found this video from the Fat Quarter Shop and like everything Kimberly does, she makes it look easy - and it is.  The bottom pouch is sewn exactly as she explains.

 The top two are from Lorrie Nunemaker's video here and is called "Continuous Zipper Pouch - Fully Lined".  It's a nice pouch and feels good - but there is a hitch.  You have to put on the zipper pull after you have sewn most of the bag - and it has to be put on evenly.  Sounds easy but after many sweaty palm moments I went back to the traditional method.

I made a knitting bag for my daughter using a fat eighth and found to my delight a wonderful new source - Nicole Reed and her website.  She has an awesome pouch tutorial - 23 minutes long with lots of techniques.  I follow her way of making box corners.  Her video "How to Make a Flat Bottom Makeup Bag" is here.

All these pouches are lined.  I used fusible fleece to add more stability but will try in the future to see how it works with just regular batting scraps. 

This bag is made from a piece of Japanese fabric which is a little thicker and more like a linen - the other pouches are regular cotton scraps from various quilts. 

I will keep my zipper pouch gallery up above in the PAGES section.  I hope these sources guide you to make a zipper pouch. I use the zipper tape by the yard from ByAnnie since I am new at this - but made some pouches with garage sale zippers as testers and they worked out fine.  These were taken by friends before I could take pixs and they weren't half bad!

Lastly - I will make a picture guide with supplies and sizes in the near future. Hope everyone had a good summer as Labor Day approaches. Will finish up the Grand Canal Tutorial in September :)

August 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

Grand Canal Scrap Quilt - Part Two - Log Cabin Block Tutorial

My first quilt was a hot mess masterpiece made as a lark.  I found an article by Jacquie Gering of Tallgrass Prairie Studio called "Wonky Log Cabin Block Tutorial". 
I had the most fun ever making this quilt as I sliced and slashed my way from one block to another following her directions and pictures.  
I can still remember the freedom of making these blocks and was hooked on quilting ever since.  The same relaxed attitude is how I made these scrappy Grand Canal log cabin squares - although a little more disciplined than those in my beloved Ghastlie's quilt!
Be warned - this may not be the official or proper way to make a real log cabin block, but I can guarantee it will use your thin scraps and be fun as well!
Here is a typical pile of end scraps. These are a little thinner than the ones I used in the Grand Canal quilt - but the process is exactly the same. Let's make a small 7.5" x 7.5' log cabin block.
Cut out a center square 2" x 2" (blue).  Trim a scrap piece (white) so that it is straight on one side and sew onto a side of your square.  Rotate your little unit so that the ruler is straight on the seam line (see the 7" mark laying horizontal) - and trim it even with your original center square.
 Rotate the unit so the ruler is on the vertical seam at the 1" mark.  This strip was so close to 1" there is almost nothing to trim - but trim you must.  Then, take another scrap and trim one side straight.  Rotate your unit and sew on the next piece -  and do the whole thing all over again (shown with the yellow flowered piece).
Sew the scrap strip on the right side of the nicely trimmed unit - turn it and place the ruler on the horizontal seam and trim the sides even.  
Place the ruler on the vertical seam - and trim 1".  Time to sew another piece, now with red. Trim the red strip straight, rotate the main unit and sew on the strip.
 Time to trim the red & flowered fabric using the horizontal seam as a guide (sorry no pix).  Rotate unit and put 1" mark of the ruler on the vertical seam (the red fabric) and trim. 
Continue sewing strips in this manner, trimming and rotating.  
After a few rounds the block is pretty square. At this point I flip it over and line the ruler with the block on the back for those first trims.  I find it easier to see the edges this way.  Then its back to the iron and trimming on the front side the 1" log' on the vertical seam as usual.  
This method does not rely on measuring.  But you must make sure that each additional strip is the same length - or even better - longer than the side you are sewing it to. Lay out strips to see if they are long enough as the block gets bigger.  And, if the strip is too short - just sew a few together as shown above.
Keep adding strips until you reach the size you like and trim.  Shown above is the untrimmed block  - and below are the finished 7.5" x 7.5".
 Now - the reason I call it a faux log cabin is this:  those outside strips may be a little thinner than the inside ones.  You might have forgotten to trim one or two logs on that 1" line because ... you forgot!  No worries - this block is very, very forgiving and once incorporated into the rest of your quilt the faults pretty much disappear.   

For a perfect log cabin square one can measure, cut and use a special template - this is not that block.
The specs for the Grand Canal Scrap Quilt log cabin blocks are:  
   * starting center square was cut at 2.5" x 2.5"
   *the strips (or logs) were trimmed at 1.5" wide
   *and the final block was trimmed to 13" x 13" 
Back next time with Grand Canal Scrap Quilt / Part Three - Large Granny Square
Grand Canal by Kate Spain
Tallgrass Prairie Studio from Jacquie Gering and her awesome Wonky Log Cabin Block  Tutorial that started it all 
Size: 57" x 57"
Date: August 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Grand Canal Scrap Quilt - Overview / Part One

I am pretty much a one block sewer.  I make a lot of the same blocks and off the quilts go to their new owners. I save the scraps and left over pieces for myself with no clear idea of what to make until I have my final pile. (This pile of beautiful Kate Spain Grand Canal started in 2017).Then it's an assessment whether the pieces are further chopped up or if there is enough for a 'scrap quilt' of that particular collection.  
I was a little sad to see these Grand Canal quilts go - but no more!  Out came the Kate Spain plastic bin and viola - I had enough to cobble together my own quilt.

Surprisingly, scrap quilts can take a good deal of thought and effort.  Making sure all the elements harmonize and feel right takes time - but they are fun.  There is no real wrong way to do things!

This quilt has 3 different design elements. 
The first is a large 'granny square' - made with 3.5" squares.
The second is a rustic log cabin that is far from perfect - but the great thing is that no matter how wonky it sews up - you trim it to a set size and it will fit perfectly with your other blocks.
And lastly ... how to take that pile of 'everything else' - and make a simple border that frames all your work.
The next few blog posts will be picture heavy and explain in detail how this quilt was made. My quilt blocks are pretty organic since I do what works and am self taught  (fools rush in where angels fear to tread etc. etc.)  ... so if you are interested in making precise blocks (such as the log cabin), look around on YouTube and see what the professionals have to say.  
 Be back soon with Grand Canal Scrap Quilt / Part Two - Faux Log Cabin.   :)

Monday, August 5, 2019

Baby Quilts Aren't Just for Babies

Today is a departure from the details of assembly and instead, share how I am convinced that  "Baby Quilts aren't just for Babies ... they're for everyone!"

Short story is I messed up my neck and back nerves 8 months ago.  I am still in the rehab stage and sewing was off limits for months. This has really shown me how traditional sized quilts may not be in everyone's future, or mine for a while. 
When I could sew for a few minutes a day, I began with the Guinevere Quilt Kit from the Fat Quarter Shop.  The fabric is Enchanted by Gingiber. Lovely big pieces and an easy to follow pattern from It's Sew Emma (Guinevere)
Next came a scrappy Kaleidoscope with pieces cut using an Accuquilt die.  (Go to the sidebar and click on Kaleidoscope for more details).
Lastly, a simple 4 patch made with a Lecien jelly roll and some hand cut 2.5" strips of white Kona.
What used to takes weeks - now took months of slow and go sewing.  I started to see the positive aspects of making smaller quilts, and this will be my trend for the immediate future.  Smaller blankets tick all the boxes for that mental kick of creativity.  Less space is needed for layout, less to clean up, easier to finish and manipulate in the sewing machine.  A perfect way to try out different patterns and techniques even at a slower pace.
Good sizes start at 41" to no more than 45" square.  A nice size to drape over a chair or couch and not end up on the floor.  Big enough to snuggle up with and cover your legs - or chest - obviously they are not going to cover everything unless you are a baby :)  
And ... if you want to experiment using minky as a backing - this is the perfect time. Minky is sold at 60" wide - so 1.5 yards of the soft stuff will cover your project perfectly!
Here are some older smaller quilts that fit into this size category.  I must have been making "Baby Quilts for everyone" and didn't realize it! So, if you don't know a baby -  pick out a favorite adult fabric, find a simple new block and enjoy making yourself a 'Baby Quilt!"

Enchanted by Gingiber (Geinevere pattern by It's Sew Emma)
Lecien Retro 30's Child Smile jelly roll
Novelty cottons
White Kona
Warm & White batting
Dimple dot minky: vanilla & midnight blue from
Hawthorne Supply Co. minky: Quartz
Sizes: 41" to 45" square
Date: August 2019